Physically disabled individuals are often undervalued and underestimated.
If you’re the family member of someone with a disability, it can be discouraging. It’s easy to feel like your disabled family member has no real opportunities because people don’t appreciate their value.
Our foundation creates opportunities for the physically disabled through education and outreach.
Our foundation scholarships offer post-secondary scholarship opportunities for those seeking degrees in Social Work, Psychology and Counseling.

Education & Awareness
Our foundation created a post-secondary course curriculum to help students understand the challenges faced by people with physical disabilities and the much-needed solutions to those challenges. This course is currently being offered at Notre Dame University, and we have plans to expand the curriculum to institutions of higher education throughout the United States.

Evin’s family understands the struggles of physically disabled persons.
Evin B. Hartsell was diagnosed at a young age with muscular dystrophy. He understood the challenge of being undervalued and underestimated by the world around him, and he worked hard to educate and inspire others about the true capabilities of disabled individuals.
Evin passed away in 2018, but his work lives on through the foundation’s books, academic curriculum and more.

Your donations make a real-world difference for the physically disabled.
“Having Evin’s book guide us through the class really gave me insights into all these aspects and how it may look for a disabled person and their family and I really got to see how complicated things can get and how the many intersections of life come to play that makes the discussion around disability complex and not black and white.”
“While I still think I have more work to do about changing years’ worth of beliefs about individuals with disabilities…I now find myself thinking about accessibility every time I walk into a building or have conversations with others.”
Make a difference with us in 3 simple steps:
Value Our Mission
Our mission is to educate and inspire the world about the true value and ability of physically disabled persons.
Make a Donation
Make a contribution to our foundation directly from our website.
Create Opportunity
Your donation helps us create opportunities for physically disabled persons through education and direct outreach.
Read Evin’s story in his own words.
Evin’s book, Abled in a Disabled World, provides a close and personal look at Evin’s life and perspective. It’s a must-read not just for everyone who loved Evin, but also for anyone who wants a first-hand account of the experience of muscular dystrophy.
Evin talks in detail about his caretakers — what it felt like to be clothed, bathed and fed on a continual basis — and challenges readers to abandon excuse-making and overcome barriers in their own lives.